IQVIA aims to solve capacity problem with multivendor software platform for trial sites

IQVIA hopes to help clinical trial sites rein in the number of different software systems they have to manage with a new platform that puts them all behind a single dashboard, potentially improving capacity for studies.

In a press release issued June 12, the clinical research services provider announced the release of One Home for Sites, a product that integrates all the different applications a site’s studies require into one platform—regardless of vendor—making them accessible with a single sign-on. IQVIA is working with Medidata and other clinical tech companies to optimize the platform and is already testing the tech at its IQVIA Prime Sites, clinical trial centers that have long-term relationships with the company. 

“There is a vast and disparate landscape of technology solutions that, as a whole, is impacting site users,” Sharlene Carnegie, senior vice president of platform at Medidata, said in IQVIA’s press release. “We are pleased to collaborate with IQVIA on One Home for Sites and start bridging the gap between systems to help their sites and sponsors save time and resources.” 

Each clinical study requires multiple different software types to function, from trial management software that streamline operations to electronic data capture systems that collect and store patient data. A site running several trials at once has to manage all these different programs for each one, a logistical headache that can take time away from other tasks and reduce overall capacity, a larger issue for the industry that can slow down product development, IQVIA said in the release. 

IQVIA consulted with more than 100 site personnel to develop One Home, the company said. It’s working with vendors and pharmas that are invested in the idea that collaboration between products, rather than competition, is necessary to solve the wider problem of site capacity. 

“With site capacity becoming a real challenge for the industry, we believe it is our role and responsibility to deliver a solution that brings industry stakeholders together and relieves the burden on research sites,” Bernd Haas, senior vice president of digital products and solutions at IQVIA, said in the release.