Autism Predictive and Treatment Progress Test Patent

Autism Predictive and Treatment Progress Test Patent Pending

June 14, 2014

Palm Beach, Florida -- A Physician-Researcher presenting at The Breakers at the Florida Society of Anesthesiologists-FSA- Annual Meeting with has elucidated what he feels is the underlying pathology in Regressive Autism. As such he has developed a testing protocol which measures critical antioxidant levels, particularly the master anti-oxidant, Glutathione, and relates this to a fungal-yeast toxin found commonly in individuals who have been exposed to previous antibiotic usage.

This toxin, known as Gliotoxin, is produced by Candida and Aspergillus species, and can be found in children with prior antibiotic use, causing yeast overgrowth in the infant's GI tract. Gliotoxin is known to bind to and deplete Glutathione, taking this critical antioxidant to a level-less than 30%- of normal- where administration of Acetaminophen can be harmful, even fatal, in such infants. As such, this can trigger Regressive Autism, now an epidemic, which began when acetaminophen replaced aspirin as an anti-pyretic in the early 1980s.

The Patent-Pending testing protocol relates the Glutathione and Gliotoxin levels so that a physician can make an educated estimation as to the likelihood of a child developing Autism if given Acetaminophen as a fever reducer when vaccinated.

The testing paradigm can also indicate susceptibility to many other severe disease states that involve Oxidative Stress and follow treatment of said diseases. Several embodiments of the Patent include mobile cell phone applications, among others.

The patent application can be seen at by searching patent applications using the ID no. 20140112940. The inventor is amenable to licenses, joint ventures, and other enterprises. He can be reached at